Historical Unit "Kliški uskoci" is a mobile monument of national cultural and historical heritage,
which together with Klis Fortress, one of the most important and architecturally most beautiful fortifications in Croatia,
keeps in memory history of glorious times when Klis bled to defend Croatia and the whole Europe.

Uskok battle for Klis 2024

 May God keep you safe from Senj (uskoks) hand folk proverb 
 "Risen Maccabees" Pope Gregory XII 
 "The bulwark of Dalmatia" King Matthias 
 "The only fortress in the country" Rudolf II 
 "Uskoks are the best people in the world for wartime" Emperor Charles V 
 "Looked like they had the winds, the sea, and the devils on their side" Minucio Minuci 
 "Uskoks can make bora blow whenever it pleases them. They simply set fire on the side and bora starts" Josip Rabatta 
 May God keep you safe from Senj (uskoks) hand folk proverb 
 "Risen Maccabees" Pope Gregory XII 
 "The bulwark of Dalmatia" King Matthias 
 "The only fortress in the country" Rudolf II 

Uskok Battle for Klis

Historical spectacle "Uskok Battle for Klis" is an international event organized by Historical Unit "Kliški uskoci". The two-day spectacle of historical re-enactment, involving over 300 members of historical units and knights from all over Croatia and Europe, brings visitors back to the Middle Ages and the era of Klis defence from the Ottoman Empire.

Organized tour of Klis Fortress

A reception by members of Historical Unit "Kliški uskoci" in vivid historic uniforms and with authentic weapons. Tour of historical landmarks within Klis Fortress (Church of St. Vitus, uskok armoury, proveditor's residence) accompanied by uskok guides. An attraction of uskoks' performance of swordplay, shooting from firelocks, archery.

Kliški uskoci on movie sets

Kliški uskoci participate in various film projects of domestic and foreign production. They are stuntmen and actors in scenes of sword fighting, shooting from rifles and cannons, archery, assault and defence of forts and ships and in other scenes of life, struggle, glory and tragedy. The most significant work was on Game of Thrones, The Age of Uskoks, Alka.


Latin title Antemurale Christianitatis (eng. bastion of Christianity) was given to Croatia by Pope Leo X in 1519.

"We have been stopping this force (Ottoman Empire) for seventeen years wasting our bodies, lives and all of our goods, and like a tower and a bastion of Christianity we daily defend Christian countries, as much as it is humanly possible." Croatian nobility, April 10, 1494


Marking anniversary of Petar Kružić's death

Kliški uskoci mark anniversary of Petar Kružić's death, captain and knez of Klis, on March 12 every year by formal parade from the centre of Rijeka to Trsat, where Kružić is buried.

Days of Uskoks in Split

Days of Uskoks in Split are held every year in February. It is a remembrance of the event (1537) when Uskoks, after the fall of Klis, brought with them a picture of Virgin Mary and stored it in Shrine of Our Lady of Uskoks in Split, where it still is today.

School of heraldry

In an effort to revive heraldic practice and theory in local and wider social contexts, after decades of neglect and mostly unfavorable historical circumstances during the 20th century, "School of heraldry" has been occasionally held in Klis since 2016.

Days of Uskoks in Senj

Every year in July, Senj returns to the 16th century, the most remarkable time in the history of Senj. This is when the fortress Nehaj was built and when Senj Uskoks, by whom Senj is best-known, lived their most glorious moments.

Crown of Croatian Rulers

On October 8th, Historical Unit "Kliški uskoci" and Students of History Association "Toma Arhiđakon" organize "Crown of Croatian Rulers", a manifestation to mark two important events in Croatian history - anniversary of Queen Jelena's death (976) and crowning of King Zvonimir (1075).

Croatian Navy Day

Historical unit "Kliški uskoci" is an honorary unit of Croatian Navy. Kliški uskoci traditionally participate in the celebration of Croatian Navy Day on September 18th. On that day in 887, Croatian sailors, led by Duke Branimir, gloriously defeated Venetian navy in the Battle of Makarska.

Commemorations for suffering of Croats through history

Historical Unit "Kliški uskoci" traditionally participates in commemorations for suffering and tragedies of Croats throughout history. Kliški uskoci also take part in ceremonies on national holidays and other celebrations.

Archduke Karl von Habsburg honored Kliški uskoci

Karl von Habsburg, head of former Imperial Austrian and Croatian-Hungarian royal house handed a memorial medal and a letter of appreciation to Kliški uskoci on July 16, 2011.

Kliški uskoci titled "Dragons of Klis Fortress"

By decision of Master Assembly on the 36th regular session held on February 4, 2009, Historical Unit "Kliški uskoci" was chosen for contributor of "Brethren of the Croatian Dragon".

Historical Unit Kliški uskoci

Trg Mejdan 7, 21231 Klis, Splitsko-dalmatinska, Croatia
+385 99 3130932
Mile Barić, president of the association