Long before us, through the whole history to present day, many great intellectuals repeated that those people who do not know and do not keep memory of their own history and culture will, in the future, be punished with loss of their identity. This has probably never been so much pronounced as it is in present days of general globalization.
Particularly smaller nations like Croatia are endangered in this matter that oblivion of the tradition would happen caused by failure to educate younger generations because of neglect and similar reasons. There are places that even today, in the most vivid manner, testify to the turbulent past of our (Croatian) people, to the sacrifice that our ancestors have selflessly incorporated into mosaic of the entire civilization affiliation. We (Croats) can and must be proud of it, and it is our duty to passed it on to new generations.
One of the most impressive places of that kind is Klis Fortress, one of the most historically important and architecturally most beautiful fortifications in Croatia and throughout Europe. Its importance is expressively testified by historical epithets "Klis - the key of Dalmatia", "Klis - the bastion of Christianity (lat. antemurale christianitatis)", "Klis - the altar of the homeland", "Klis - the gate of Split"...
Numerous preserved cultural and historical remains from various periods of turbulent past, harmonious landscape and beautiful panorama of Split and central Dalmatia are just a few of many reasons for an educational and recreational visit to this heritage site. Klis Fortress is an ideal place to practically, very substantially and imaginatively present all historical periods from the Middle Ages to present days to the visitors, to acquaint them to different geographic features, diverse plant life, nature and similar phenomena of the fortress and of its environment.
In order to experience all this more vividly and memorably, we invite you to visit Klis Fortress in overall arrangement of Historical Unit "Kliški uskoci", which includes following contents:
- organized reception by members of Historical Unit "Kliški uskoci" in vivid historical uniforms and with authentic weapons from the relevant era of glorious uskok medieval past
- tour of historical landmarks within Klis Fortress accompanied by uskok guides
- museum collection of historical weapons and uskok uniforms in the uskok armoury
- museum content from the time of Trpimirovići in the knez's quarters / proveditor's residence
- sacral historical Church of Saint Vitus
- attraction of uskoks' performance of
- medieval swordplay
- archery
- shooting from firelocks
- professionally and thematically designed creative workshops
- banquet in beautiful ambiance of the fortress in company with Uskoks

We are looking forward to your arrival.