In an effort to revive heraldic practice and theory in local and wider social contexts, after decades of neglect and mostly unfavorable historical circumstances during the 20th century, "School of heraldry" has been occasionally held in Klis since 2016 (co-organized by the Association of History Students "Toma Arhiđakon " and Historical Unit "Kliški uskoci"). In the past period, related heraldic exhibitions and workshops were also organized in neighboring cities and municipalities: Split, Solin, Kaštela and Seget. The most important purpose of these workshops and lectures, is to bring closer to the audience, participants and all interested parties what heraldry (as an auxiliary historical discipline) studies and what its rules are, how coats of arms are created, how heraldic signs were shaped through the histroy, especially with regard to territorial and national coats of arms which are the most present (and at the same time the most recognizable!) examples of heraldic practice today.
The last workshop of the "School of Heraldry", the fourth in a series, was held as part of the manifestation of historical re-enactment "Crown of Croatian Rulers" on October 8, 2023. It took place in the interesting setting of a picnic area located along the Jadro River - in the immediate vicinity of the archaeological site "Hollow Church" (former coronation basilica of St. Peter and Moses). Topics of the past workshops/exhibitions, starting in 2016, were as follows:
- KLIS (SCHOOL OF HERALDRY I.) – October 8, 2016: public presentation "Heraldry of the lords of Klis Fortress throughout history and uskok families from Klis, Senj and Žumberak"; Mate Božić, MA Educ. Hist. and Phil. Artillery barracks in Klis Fortress (held as part of the manifestation of historical re-enactment "Crown of Croatian Rulers" in 2016)
- SPLIT - May 9, 2018: public presentation on the origin, use and symbolism of the oldest Croatian coats of arms; Mate Božić, MA Educ. Hist. and Phil. Premises of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split – Ulica Nikole Tesle 12 (held as part of "Kliofest 2018", co-organized by the association "Toma Arhiđakon" and Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split)
- SPLIT - June 7, 2018: "Origin, use and symbolism of the oldest Croatian national coats of arms"; Mate Božić, MA Educ. Hist. and Phil. Premises of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split - Poljana kraljice Jelene 1/III. (co-organized by the association "Toma Arhiđakon" and Croatian Nobility Association - Split branch)
- KLIS (SCHOOL OF HERALDRY II.) – October 8, 2018: "The oldest Croatian coats of arms"; Mate Božić, MA Educ. Hist. and Phil. Knez's quarters in Klis Fortress (held as part of the manifestation of historical re-enactment "Crown of Croatian Rulers" in 2018)
- SPLIT – December 13, 2018: "Coat of arms and military insignia of Croatian units in World War I and Croatian War of Independence (Homeland War)"; Mate Božić, MA Educ. Hist. and Phil. University Library in Split (held as part of the "Unfinished Millennium - from the Second Split Church Council to the end of the Great War" event organized by the Association of History Students "Toma Arhiđakon")
- SPLIT - March 5, 2019 - introductory presentation "Heraldry of the lords of Klis Fortress throughout history and uskok families from Klis, Senj and Žumberak"; Mate Božić, MA Educ. Hist. and Phil. Premises of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split - Poljička cesta 35 (co-organized by the association "Toma Arhiđakon" and Croatian Nobility Association - Split branch)
- KLIS (SCHOOL OF HERALDRY III.) – October 8, 2019: public presentation "Coat of arms and military insignia of Croatian units in World War I and Croatian War of Independence (Homeland War)"; Mate Božić, MA Educ. Hist. and Phil. Knez's quarters in Klis Fortress (held as part of the event "Crown of Croatian Rulers" in 2019)
- SOLIN – May 28, 2021: "Origin of Croatian national coats of arms"; Mate Božić, MA Educ. Hist. and Phil. Theater of the Solin City Library (held on the occasion of the upcoming National Day)
- SPLIT – June 15, 2022: "Croatian checkerboard fields since the Battle of Krbava Field (1494) to St. Mark's Square (1990)"; MA Educ. Hist. and Phil. Premises of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split - Poljička cesta 35 (organized by the Association of Former Students and Friends of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split - Alumni FFST on the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of removal of totalitarian socialist elements from the Croatian state flag)
- KAŠTELA - November 3, 2022: "Croatian coats of arms - genesis, symbolism, history", Mate Božić, MA Educ. Hist. and Phil. Archbishop's Palace in Kaštel-Sućurac (held as part of the cultural event "Croatian Book Month" in 2022, i.e. the "History Week in Croatian Book Month" program of the association "Toma Arhiđakon")
- SPLIT – January 17, 2023: "Lion, Kuna and Euro"; Mate Božić, MA Educ. Hist. and Phil. Premises of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split - Poljička cesta 35 (organized by the Association of Former Students and Friends of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split - Alumni FFST)
- SEGET – March 14, 2023: "What is my coat of arms?" - heraldry workshop; Mate Božić, MA Educ. Hist. and Phil. Premises of the Primary School "Kralj Zvonimir" in Seget Donji (held within the educational program "On coats of arms and crowns" of the association "Toma Arhiđakon")
- KLIS (SCHOOL OF HERALDRY IV.) – October 8, 2023: heraldry workshop; Mate Božić, MA Educ. Hist. and Phil. (held as part of the manifestation of historical re-enactment "Crown of Croatian Rulers" in 2023)

head of the School of heraldry
Mate Božić, MA Educ. Hist. and Phil.
herald of the Historical Unit "Kliški uskoci"