On July 26th and 27th (2019), Klis Uskoks defend Klis Fortress from the Ottoman attack. Manifestation of historical re-enactment "Uskok Battle for Klis" is again held at the foothill of and inside Klis Fortress. Numerous historical units, knight groups, performers and exhibitors will depict medieval life in the age of Uskoks.
All performances on Friday, July 26, are held at the foothill of the fortress (Mejdan Square) and are free of charge for the visitors, including a concert of the bend "Cinkuši" (PROGRAM). On Saturday, July 27, visitors can also enjoy many performances at the foothill of the fortress (Mejdan Square) free of charge, and for re-enactment of the historical battle from 1532 (which is held inside Klis Fortress), a ticket is required. Tickets for the historical battle inside Klis Fortress can be bought online or at the info desk (Mejdan Square) from July 25th (Thursday). Visitors who bought tickets online can take physical tickets at the info desk on Saturday, July 27th.

Historical spectacle "Uskok Battle for Klis" is an international event organized by Historical Unit "Kliški uskoci". The two-day spectacle of historical re-enactment, involving over 300 members of historical units and knights from all over Croatia and Europe, brings visitors back to the Middle Ages and the era of Klis defence from the Ottoman Empire.
Uskok Battle for Klis is organized every year (since 2011) in the last weekend of July. This international spectacle promotes both Croatian and European historical heritage. Purpose of the event is to present and bring closer to the visitors the celebrated period of Croatian and Klis history, when Uskoks and their leader Petar Kružić defended Croatia, Europe and entire Christianity from Ottoman military force for almost three decades. This event is also attempting to realize the long-term goal of popularizing Klis Fortress, thus contributing to economical, tourist and cultural development of the local community, i.e., to development of Croatian tourism and to preservation of cultural and historical heritage.
Uskok Battle revives medieval and renaissance history with various cultural, musical, entertaining and scenically performances. Medieval archery and swordsmanship tournament, fire juggling, archaic folk songs, sounds of bagpipes, tambourines, drums and fiddle, oriental music with belly dancers' performances, medieval camps depicting warrior life in the Middle Ages located at the northern foothill of the fortress, various schools and workshops. All of this in archaic ambience of old trades and crafts fair, original dishes and drinks, authentic handicrafts, autochthonous souvenirs and other Mediterranean products, with numerous exhibitors from Dalmatia and the whole Croatia, returns visitors to the Middle Ages.
The central event is historical re-enactment of the battle (1532) between Klis defenders Uskoks and Ottomans. At a time when Renaissance was blossoming in Western Europe and at the same time when the fear of powerful Ottoman army, which had unstoppably progressed to conquer Europe, was growing, Klis and its defenders Uskoks were the first line of defence and bled for benefit of the whole Europe. The battle from this heroic period of Klis history is depicted by trained and skilled members of historical units and knight groups from various parts of Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovakia and Czech Republic. Re-enactment of the siege, assaults, defending, negotiation, conquest, raiding, individual and collective battles with swords, spears, maces, war-hammers, firing cannons and firelocks...
Participants of Uskok Battle for Klis 2018
Historical units and knight groups
- Dubovački streličari (Karlovac)
- Red vitezova Ružice grada (Orahovica)
- Družba vitezova zlatnog kaleža (Donja Stubica)
- Ursus (Slovakia)
- Beli volki (Slovenia)
- Vitezovi hercega Stjepana Kosače (Stolac, BiH)
- Vitezovi vranski (Pakoštane)
- Koprivnički mušketiri i haramije (Koprivnica)
- Red srebrnog zmaja (Zagreb)
- Red Čuvara grada Zagreba (Zagreb)
- Povijesna postrojba kralja Dmitra Zvonimira (Knin)
- Viteški red svetog Nikole (Varaždin)
- Ordo Sancti Viti (Rijeka)
- Udruga sveti Juraj (Đurđevac)
- Križevačka djevojačka straža (Križevci)
- Zrinska garda Čakovec (Čakovec)
- Šibenska gradska straža (Šibenik)
- Gradska straža Bakar 1848 (Bakar)
- Dubrovački trombunjeri (Dubrovnik)
- Turopoljski banderij (Turopolje)
- Hajdučka družina Mijata Tomića (Tomislavgrad, BiH)
- Udruga Lubussa (Ljubuški, BiH)
- Streličarski klub Oliveto (Šolta)
- Viteško udruženje Kumpanjija - Blato (Blato)
- Žumberački uskoci (Samobor)
- Kliški uskoci (Klis)
- Kulturno umjetnička udruga Sv. Kliment (Sitno Gornje)
- Hollóének Hungarica (Hungary)
- Lunctus Tribus (Croatia)
- Povijesno-plesna udruga Kontea (Konjščina)
- Kaštelanska organizacija mladih Koma (Kaštela)
- Artistika and Antuntun (Croatia)
Uskok Battle for Klis - photo gallery